Snippets – 24h x 24w / 28h x 28w / 36h x 36w (54h x 54w incl. borders) Four mini designs with optional borders and an unusual cutting pattern. They are just the right size for small ornaments – or stitch them all several times over as scatter motifs on table cloths or cushions. They also make very attractive and quick invitations or place cards. The 10 small and mini designs in the Stitcher's Set (Art of the Needle, Three of Diamonds and Snippets) are the ideal size to decorate project boxes, stitcher's notebooks, gift bags and foam ornaments. Special materials: DMC perle #5 Variations; Anchor perle #5 & #8 Multicolor; Caron Watercolours & Wildflowers (optional). See Snippets adorning a notebook, a keyring and a name plate in the Gallery Please note that our chart packs are digital and will be emailed to you in PDF format. |
£5.00 |
Cards & coasters ◊ Small designs ◊ Medium designs ◊ Large designs ◊ Sets & series