
Have you ever finished a piece of stitching, ironed it, photographed it, stored it (or framed it, or made it into a cushion), and then realised that you had in fact missed out several stitches? Or even forgotten a part of the design altogether?

Very annoying when that happens. A little embarrassing, too. But it could be worse. Have you ever finished a piece of stitching, ironed it, photographed it, stored it, all without realising that you had forgotten a part of the design altogether?

Even more annoying. And even more embarrassing. But it could be worse. You could turn it into a chart pack, with a photograph on the front, and put it up for sale. Which is what I did.

The design in question is Vienna, and below are details from the chart and the stitched model. Can you spot the difference?

Detail of Vienna chart Detail of Vienna

So my most heart-felt thanks to the eagle-eyed customer who was kind enough to point the mistake out to me – I have retrieved the stitched model from my portfolio and will be cutting the missing holes this weekend!

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