Over the years I’ve been to several Royal School of Needlework workshops and day classes; they are always well-taught, well-organised and very enjoyable, and the workshops especially have been a great way of finding out in a relatively economical way which types of embroidery are just not my cup of tea (I’m talking about you, stumpwork) and which are not just my cup of tea but a whole afternoon tea at the Ritz (hello goldwork!)
Whenever I’ve found something I enjoy doing (like calligraphy and various embroidery techniques), I tend to read as many books about it as I can and then just have a go (for example with the padded gold kid in Treasure Trove, and my present goldwork Work-In-Progress the Jacobean Flower).
But sometimes it’s helpful – not to mention a lot of fun – to get some formal instruction. After the first RSN goldwork taster workshop I did in 2012 (the dragonfly) there followed another one at the next Knitting & Stitching Show (the bee; which did end up looking a little different from the original design…); then I found the RSN occasionally did day classes in Rugby and treated myself to one as a St Nicholas present (the watering can). And this year they’re offering another one! I’d hoped they would do an Intermediate level this time, but oh well, I’m happy to take what I can get so I am now booked in for April, where it looks like we’ll be stitching a goldwork ankle boot.
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This is, you will agree, quite as much excitement as a stitcher can be expected to handle, but there is more! Following a link in the RSN’s recent newsletter I found that they offer private one-to-one tutorials.
I’ll allow some time to let that sink in a bit.
A private lesson, taught by one of the RSN tutors, at Hampton Court Palace *starry-eyed look* – what more could any stitcher wish for? Well, a bigger needlework budget would be nice. It would be lovely to book a whole day (10am till 4pm with an hour off for lunch) (who needs lunch?) (actually, I would; I like food quite as much as I like stitching) but a quick look at the latest bank statement suggests that a 3-hour class is probably more realistic. So I took the plunge and rang them, and I am now pencilled in for a goldwork tutorial on Wednesday 11th October, an extension to my usual Knitting & Stitching Show jaunt. It is as yet dependent on them finding a tutor available, so I’ll let you know when I hear more!
Wow how exciting, I’m so pleased ( and green as Shrek ) for you Mabel. The first pieces already look wonderful, especially the watering can. Do you get to choose the design for your private tutorial ?
I don’t think I do, Louise, but the lady I’ve been talking to has made notes of what I’ve already done (so it won’t be another dragonfly etc), and I was also able to indicate which techniques I’d like to focus on, and which ones I was happy with already. I’ve asked for advice & practice to tidy up some of the techniques I’ve learnt so far, and as a new technique to learn how to use string padding. Really looking forward to it!
Of course I’ll report here what it’s like, but I’m confident it will be wonderful :-). If you would like more info about their prices (in case of people wanting to shower you with birthday or Christmas presents) do drop me a line if you’d rather not contact them directly.